Ok, so apparently I can add pictures. Just not the ones I want. These are random pics of Homecoming night with my vball girls in our new warm-ups. That is our traditional bonfire with an outhouse on top. If the outhouse falls through the middle, we will win the football game. If it falls off the edge, however, we will lose. Yeah, it definitely burned up and disintegrated before the platform it was on could burn up. We were left with a slightly ambiguous feeling as to the outcome of the game.
Alright, if I ever figure out how to do what I really wanted to show you, I'll let y'all know.
Umm...what format are the images in? Or are they images at all? Movies? Good work somehow getting that image under your links. Hehe.
I tried one striaght from a Working Model file; it didn't like that. So I transferred it to Word and...BINGO!!! I think I just figgered it out! Thanks, bro o' mine, but I think it'll work after I change it to...pause for effect (or affect, I never really know)... a jpg file!!!! Wahoo, I'm a thinker. Ok, gonna try out my new skills.
JPG is good, though it won't be animated. GIF's can handle animation, but I don't know if WM exports to that format.
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