Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Guess Who Had a 6 AM Practice Today?

That's right. Me. Wish I could say otherwise. Wooey, that one was early. And it went till 7:30 and I have an 8 o'clock class. I was flying to get showered in time. I even drove the van to the SRC so I could get back more quickly. I had KT drop me off and take the van back to its parking spot. I felt like a schoolkid being dropped off at the elementary wing in the minivan...except that I've never had that experience before, hehe. I don't think. Well, not in high school or elementary that is. Perhaps in K4. Whatever.

So I have lots on my plate. In 7 minutes, I have to leave to get in to the Esys lab room to practice for my lab practical tomorrow. That is where each lab partner goes in by him/herself and does an abbreviated lab alone to see if he/she knows what he/she is doing. So let's hope I know what I'm doing...yikes!

I am now a part of the HSS Student Advisory Board. We have 3 meetings during the year to discuss changes or improvements in the humanities at Rose; I was apparently highly recommended by Dr. Williams, which is cool since I think she is amazing! She is my Lit of War prof this quarter, and I am hoping to get her for Tech Comm my junior year.

Tonight after the lab preparations, I will get dinner and then go shopping in the C-Store. Junk food time! I shopped in the bookstore earlier today and decided I really want to splurge in some stuff, but I kinda am not sure about the resources to do so. I would love to do all of my Christmas shopping there, but hahaha, would all of my family really want everything with a big Rose-Hulman stamped on it?? Plus it's super-duper expensive. Ok, off to lab practical practice it up! Ooo, say that eight hundred times fast!



Lacey Rumley said...

Not me...

Anonymous said...

Geez!!! Between your comment on my site and this post, I think you're getting to be quite the novelist. I seriously think that was the longest comment anyone's ever left me, haha. And I'm sure with your culinary talents, we'll have a truly gourmet meal on our hands. I don't really care what we eat. Wish I could say I've been brainstorming, but I haven't. I'm sure our genius minds will think of something. Anyway, if I don't talk to you before, I'll see you Thursday!! Take care, kid.

Anonymous said...

Good talking to you! Now we BOTH exercised before the sun came up. I went at 5:30 a.m. Keep up the good work. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, busy day. I know what that is like though. I also want to get my family some stuff from CU's book/gift store but it's very expensive as well. I really wish I could have seen you this past weekend. I suppose the next time I see you will be over Thanksgiving at our LOTR marathon :). That will be fun times. Have a great day even though it's a busy one! Love ya!