Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ah, Relaxation...

This post will thus be about relaxation.

You see, I have finished my con apps homework for tomorrow, all five problems!!! Yay, and I only needed help on two of them! And I think I understand the two I got help on! It's such a good feeling not to be worried about homework. Now over the weekend I only have to write a Lit of War paper, practice DE until I get it, and do about 6 Esys problems. No problem! Right? But I refuse to worry about that right now! I am in a darn good mood.

As to weekend Wednesdays, as requested, I shall explain them. They are the day of the week in which most (not all, but most) students have one or less classes. The Rose class schedule revolves around MTRF classes, not W ones. Mostly, W classes are labs - I have a three hour Esys lab on W's, for example. Some students even have nothing to do on Wednesdays. So it is not like PCS, in that PCS just assigned less homework on is more that there is no class so nothing is due. Plus, that means Tuesday nights are the fun nights here, not Wednesday nights as it was back in high school.

Alright, I'm getting outta here. Take care, everyone!

Boo Yah!

Guess who got a 95 on her Esys exam?? Oh yeah, baby!!! I'm super excited about that one. I would have had a 96 if I hadn't forgotten to write down units on one part of one problem. Grr, I hate stupid mistakes like that. Well, that's a solid A in that class for midterms! Yay!!

So now I am doing con apps problems, yuk. They aren't bad (the first three, anyway); it's the last two that are killing me...well, I really don't even know where to start. I think I'll go start guessing now. Maybe that will get me somewhere. You never know!

Bonfire and pep rally tomorrow! Yay for Homecoming! It should be a blast!

We have two games this Saturday, so come on out!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Oh, and I applied online to Caterpillar today! Go internships! Hopefully I will get one there, but if not I am getting one this year. For shizzle.

Sweaty Girl

Ugh, I need to go shower. But I figured you all needed a glimpse into my day before I did...see, aren't I the considerate one?

So, I had an Esys exam on...Tuesday. Wow, I couldn't remember what day it was for a second there. Was that only yesterday??? Geez louise. Yeah, so I think I rocked it. Yup, pretty sure. Heh heh. I will remain optimistic this year. But then Mike and I (my lab partner) took the full three hours today on the lab because we had to start all over pretty much. Snap. But it turned out all right. We got the number we needed JUST as the last bell was ringing. Yay for not being late! Dr. Padgett would have marked us as late, too, if we hadn't gotten done on time. Grrr. But he's a cool guy, and he showed us what we were doing wrong, so we kind of started to understand and everything! Guess that's what I pay the big bucks for, huh?

Practice today was "individuals"; pretty much just half the team at a time so we can focus on things we need to work on as individuals. It was short but a killer. I did three sets of rapid fire hitting, which is starting at the net, transition, approach, swing, transition, approach, swing, over and over and over until you wanna die. Yep. But it's good for me and I am gaining more ball control as the season progresses, something I really need to work on. Ahem, cuz in PCS vball if we got it in the court we were pretty durn happy.

Everyone come to our games this weekend! It's homecoming here at Rose, so it's going to be a blast with lots of people and alumni!

I better go...gotta write out our lab and do some DE and con apps. Maybe. But it is weekend Wednesday. It's kinda crazy when you think about it; I had weekend Wednesday's at both PCS and Rose. Craziness. My graduate school better have a similar mindset or I don't know what I'm gonna do. I might be physically incapable of doing homework on a Wednesday.

Monday, September 26, 2005

"Lots of People Go To College for Seven Years!"

"Yes, they're called doctors."

Hahahahahaha, I love a good Tommy Boy quote! Go watch it "while you're sitting there not being slim." Hehehehe!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

I'm apparently a freshman and no, I'm not bitter about it.

Friday, September 23, 2005

I'm in Kentucky!

Just thought that I would write a post while I am in Kentucky because I don't believe that I've had the pleasure before. We are in the hotel and I am on Jess's laptop. We stay here tonight and the next and play both days. Woohoo for getting to sleep in! Now maybe I will go do some Esys...or just chill and watch TV. Oh yeah, and yay for rooming with Jess and Amanda because that means I get the bed to myself!

Kentucky This Weekend!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Well That Was Unexpected.

Ain't it great when you are just strolling through life, pretty sure of yourself, and wam! you're suddenly knocked off of your feet and left with a nasty bump on your head? On the one hand, it's a great ego-buster. On the other hand, it kinda smarts.

Sheesh, I SWEAR I was ready for that con apps exam. Then, wammo!, the test comes along and looks nothing like the homework; the people who haven't been doing the homework actually probably did better than those of us who did. Grrrr, why do I try so hard on my homework when the tests look like that???? And another thing...who in the WORLD puts 3 questions with parts a and b at least in each of them on a 50-minute test when it takes me four hours to do 2 questions every night???? HELLOOOO!!!!!

Grr. Well, strangely enough, I am in a really good mood. I think it is a slightly high feeling from the exultation of being DONE with that exam. ForEVER.

Well, I will quit posting, and YAY for Tuesday's!!!!

It's the Wait

That hurts the most.

I'm just kinda sitting here waiting for that time when I get to go and take my con apps exam. Get to...ha! As if it were a privelege. Well, you see, I think I am ready for it. Studying would be pretty useless right now, so I am just wasting time waiting for that lovely 2:20 to roll around so I can go to class.

I think I will make a mailroom run. That will cure my anxiety.

Just so you all know, I definitely set my alarm for 6:15 today so I could get up and study and have breakfast and devotions and such...and woke up to the fire alarm going off at 8:15. That doesn't bode well for the Esys class I have at 8. Whoops. But hey, I made it. It just threw off my day a little bit. In fact, I'm still in my pajamas and will remain so until practice at 4:30.

Gilmor Girls tonight! Woot woot!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Take that, DE!!

That's right, who's the bomb? I totally haven't done DE homework in a week and I think I aced...or at the very least I definitely passed...that quiz we just took! You see, Sherman does not assign any homework; correction, he assigns it but none is ever due. Therefore I have zero motivation to actually do my homework...although after last night's slight panic, I may be doing a bit more DE now than I have been. Also, Sherman's "quizzes" are 50-minute quizzes, ie a test without the weight of one. So there was a lot of material on this quiz and about 10 questions (a lot in DE world). Woot for getting up at 6:30 to study! (with the intention of getting up at 5:30, heh heh, yeah that one fell through)

For all of you doubters out there, blogger rocks!! Xanga is for the younger generation; I, on the other hand, am fast approaching the ripe old age of 20 - eek! - and must therefore use grown-up online journals and eat tasteless and strange-colored foods.

So, the power went out here at Rose and now the network is down and now I can't log in my work study hours and now I can't get paid. That is, until they fix it. So I will go finish my con apps homework (until I get stuck, that is) while I wait for the BLOODY COMPUTER TO START WORKING! >:()

Tata for now!!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

It would be so much easier to let go if I actually wanted to.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

My Feet Hurt...

Hey Mom, did you recognize that quote??

"What's your name?" "I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurts!"

All of these quotes are in honor of my poor throbbing foot. The poor lil guy is really not so little; he's at least bigger than his brother. And no, it should not concern you that my feet carry their own gender. Anyways, I hurt my right foot somehow in practice yesterday. Tracy, the trainer, thought it was a jammed big toe...but lemme tell you, it ain't just the big toe that hurts now; and why would my ankle be swollen of it was just the big toe, hmm?

Besides the foot dealio, however, yesterday's practice was the bomb. We worked SO hard...for every missed serve, we ran sprints (after the first miss, 1 sprint, after the second, 2 sprints, etc). Our side was doing so bad (SEriously, just get the serves in the court!) that Coach had to start reversing the number of sprints or we would have been past twenty, I'm sure off it. Then we switched to push-ups. Girls quit trying to hit the zones because they were afraid of missing the court or hitting the net, so the drill wouldn't end! We finally got it, but it took half of forever. It was amazing though! We played a new serving game after that; it had us sprinting a lot as well. But that was the kind of stuff we needed to do. Most of the points we give up to the other team is in unforced errors. Maybe now we can change that.

We have our first conference play this weekend! We will play our opening tournament at Depauw. We can so do this! I hope the girls are getting pumped up, because we have so much talent and potential and athleticism. We just need to pull it all together.

My niece is gorgeous! I hope I get to see the family soon. I saw Mom, Dad, Hyo-Sun, Zach, and Elyse last weekend, which was super cool! Now I just need to see Emily, Betsey, Dan, Luke, Lacey, and Grace! And little guy. But he won't be visible for a while yet.

Gotta head off to the sheet-less bed. Man, wish the housekeepers could get under our decks to put those sheets on. I swear, I go sheet-less for a good four days or so before I get around to putting them on. Then it's time to strip them again. Sigh, it's a hard-knock life, I tell you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Libero Rules

In response to my Dad's comment, I will proceed to write this post that may be of zero interest to some; so DON'T READ IT then. If you are interested, by all means, continue.

The libero cannot officially "start"; at least, she cannot be on the floor with the starters at the beginning of a game, though in Coach's stats, she would have started every game. Instead, she stands off to the side until the ref waves her on. A libero does not have to sub like a normal player; she runs in behind the attack line while the player she is going in for runs off the court (also behind the attack line).

Therefore, we techinically have 7 starters every game, which (Dad) would mean we only have 2 subs, but there will always be 3 girls on the "bench". It's just that one of them is always actually an active player - she will be running in and out with the libero. You see, there are 3 players rotating for the libero position. Make sense?? If not, let me know.

Time for class! Hope that was a fun and informative volleyball lesson for y'all.

PS Jaymi, high school libero's are now legal if you want to incorporate that into the PCS squad. ;)

Monday, September 12, 2005

Hi, Mom!!

Smile, cuz I'm sending you a big online hug! If you get lonely, just think about those days when we drove you crazy and suddenly you will realize that you're living it up!

So, new news. We lost girl #6 today. Yup, Amy Schnegg quit today. Wow. We are now down to 9 players. That's only 3 subs, for those of you who are a bit shaky on volleyball rules. That also means we have one option for setter and a pretty set back row.

That was a big shock for the girls today. We are still getting over it. Whoa.

While it will give me more opportunity to play, I can't be happy about it from a team perspective. We could have used those girls. Sniff!

Alright, getting back to homework and such. Love you all!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Drama, Drama, Drama

So, we lost girl #5 this weekend. Yup. Our suitemate Ashly quit this Saturday after the games. Oh boy.

You see, Ashly was told the libero position was hers this season if she played; as long as LT was out, that is. Even when LT got back, however, Coach said that LT would have to re-earn the position.

Yeah, then this weekend came around and LT (a week out of surgery) played all but one game of one match as the libero. Now, I am not saying that she wasn't great while she was out there; she was. And Ashly was having a bad game. But that was one game; everyone else gets more than one chance. Coach wouldn't even rotate the libero position. It was all LT.

Anyways, that is all Ashly has been working for (and now comes the part I don't agree with). She couldn't accept playing any different role on the team and she wanted that libero position now. So she quit. She knew Coach would never play her as libero as long as LT was around.

Well, Coach went off on Ashly. Finally, she let her go, but told her to get her stuff out of her locker on Monday. Ashly went down today (Sunday) to get it done early, and lo and behold, her locker padlock is missing, the sign with her name on it was removed and stuck inside her locker, and all the team stuff (jerseys and spandex and shoes) was gone, along with one pair of Ashly's own personal spandex. Ashly had expensive jewelry, money, and her own clothing in there. Even the laundry bag that we all have to throw down to get our sports stuff cleaned was gone; someone had emptied the contents (all dirt laundry, of course) out into Ashly's locker.

Ashly came back pretty upset; at first she laughed until she realized her stuff had been left there unlocked and vulnerable to being stolen. A stranger had just walked out of the locker room (the girls' varsity locker room!!) as Ash was walking in, so the lockers were there to be taken from. So we told her to report it. In case it wasn't Coach, Ash would be blamed for losing her stuff, and worst case, Coach would say that she stole the stuff.

So Ash called security and reported it, and they had her come down to the security building to make an official report. The guy she talked to apparently has a daughter that went through the same thing and he was totally on Ashly's side. He is going to confront Coach about it and make sure that this is taken care of. Oh man.

So, practice tomorrow out to be interesting. I really don't want it to be a big mess, but it already looks that way. And Coach will know that KT and I know everything about it. I just don't want it to be awkward, because I'm really not on anyone's side. I don't think Ashly should have quit, and I think what Coach did (if it was her) was childish and stupid. Aahh! So the next couple of days should be quite the soap opera. Tune in next time to hear about the next juicy act of vandalism.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Finally. Our record rises from the hole wherein it lies to the grand total of 1-7. Haha, woot!

I went to a CAT career fair-ish thing today. Kerbel was there! She works for Caterpillar now and she was one of the recruiters that came to campus, so I got to see her. I gave them my resume and I am going to apply online before I go to the informational meeting sometime in October here at Rose. I want a darn internship this year, dang it!

Ok, I'm headed out to see a Rose football game (the first I've been able to see), so I'll talk to you fine folks later!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Cuz You Had a Bad Day

This is a good song, by the way. It's about someone having a bad day, but it's so relaxing and has the perfect sound.

Have you ever just had one of those awful, excruciating days? Well, so have I. And I don't know how to fix it. Hey, if I could, I wouldn't be having them, would I? But here's something I realized about my bad days: usually, it means I was fixated on myself. How else could I take everything so personally? Once I get my focus off of me and onto more important matters (hm, like furthering the kingdom?), things don't necessarily get better, but they are suddenly not about you anymore. It's all about perspective.

Every little thing doesn't have to be perfect. Another theme from another good and true song.

Here's an example of perspective for you. This is Jesus right before the events of the crucifixion, when He knows what is going to happen to Him and He is staring His future in the face.

"Now My heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save Me from this hour'?
No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your Name!"

Wow. One more thing that I realized about my life. I can look back and see a whole life that I have lived...without making a discernable impact in the world for the kingdom. If what I am striving for is my future forever in Jesus' kingdom, why am I so focused on the small, inconsequential earthly things? It can be depressing, but I prefer to make it the spark that lights the fuse.

Some things just aren't that important. Including having a good day. Jesus' worst day in His entire life was also the day He saved all of mankind. Maybe that will help you through your next tough spot.

Do You Know How GOOD It Feels?

Oh wow, I am finished with con apps homework...and that is a massive task. I don't have DE done, but he doesn't collect it and right now I feel as light as air, I just don't care! I had a good practice today, and we open tomorrow at home, the Rose invitational; and my family will be here!

The sun is shining, even though it is midnight here. I know it's out there, because I can feel it warming my heart.

"Good morning, life! Good morning, world, how are ya happiness? All at once I know what living can be! It feels so good to be alive and in love!" Sing it, Dean. Minus the "in love". Don't freak, folks.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Rise and Shine, It's Butt-Whipping Time!!

Quote from Cool Runnings, by the way. Go see it, it's a classic.

Wooooow, today was a tough practice. I knew it would be after the horrendous failure of a weekend we just had; but oy. I am dead tired now and am trying to get my con apps done in time for class tomorrow. It is due tomorrow and I am getting sick of doing it already. At least it is not too hard in the concept area yet (haha, at least, I am hoping I got it right). It's just sooooo tedious.

And it's only two problems. Heh heh, I may not live this year out.

I love my family! They all called...well, I called them, but they put me on speaker phone and I got to talk to the whole family on Labor Day weekend when I couldn't be home. Sniff, poor me. Maybe next weekend they will come down here to visit me! Then they can see my mad volleyball skills.

As LT would say, jk. Gotta quit avoiding homework now. It's getting late.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Opening Weekend

Well, the first four games of our season are behind us. That's right, we opened yesterday and today at Earlham College in Eastern Indiana. It was quite the weekend. We lost all four of the matches, but we went five games in one match and four in another. The second day, we figured it out for one game in a match. We were really playing together. But then we lost it in the next three games.

We are a really young senior, one junior, six sophomores, and three freshmen. And our senior is still out because of her gallbladder operation. I saw some really exciting things happening, but it was still a disappointing ending to our opening games.

On a happier note, I played quite a bit! I didn't play the last match because I made the mistake of saying that I wasn't feeling well; Coach really won't play someone who is sick if she can help it. But in the other three matches, I got a lot of time in! I played full rotation on Friday (that means I actually stayed in all the way through front row, served, and played all of the back row and just kept going...usually I only play front row). It was really cool! I had kills and such as well and several touches on the block. Woohoo!

Next week is going to be AWFUL in practice, however. Our coaches weren't happy with our performance (mainly).

Well, I have to go finish the 120 pages of Iliad reading due on Monday; I think I will save DE (Differential Equations and Matrix Algebra I - I will call it just DE from now on) and Esys (Electrical Systems) for tomorrow. Adios and have a great day at church!