Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Droppin' Like Flies

We lost another one today. Sandy quit (sniff). We liked her a lot, and she liked us, but she was flipping out about school, so she is just going to concentrate on that this year. Maybe next year. She will probably play spring season with us like KT did. Adios for now.


Anonymous said...

Sheesh, Erin, stop scaring all the volleyball players away! That's not very nice. So, yeah, just saying hi...maybe I'll come down sometime for a game...reminds me, I need to check the schedule. It's not that you're not important, I'm just a lazy bum who can't be bothered to do it at this point in time. K, well, anyway, I'll talk to you later, kid. Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

You're killing them! Hope all is going well - we love you. Z & E are learning Korean. Good idea, huh? MOM