Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Domino Effect

Well, one more down. Eleven to go! Honestly, I think that was the last one. Hopefully. LT has surgery on Friday for her gallbladder (taking it out), so she will be out a week (2 max). That leaves ten girls. But we are kicking butt! We have to work so hard, and it is really good for us. We work well together and so far there really isn't that much drama (except for the girls leaving).

We had a "team bonding" night yesterday. We drew names and made posters for the girls whose name we chose. Then we presented them as a group and the next day (today) put them up on our lockers. They look really cool! Ashly Trantham drew my name, and she made such a cute poster! It has me (with a curly fro, haha) with a word-bubble that says "grrrr!" because I say that all the time. Then it says in big letters on the rest of the poster...well, I'll get back to you on that because I forgot what it said. Oops. I drew KT's name!! That was fun, but I'm not really creative. We found out Brandi is pretty much an artist, though. Some girls just did a great job! It was fun.

Tonight we go out for ice cream on Coach because of the serving challenge she gave us (we hit balls into the ball carts on a serve or a mat on the floor....woohoo!). It should be great. Today is our last day of!

Soreness is working off, hallelujah! Take care, people. Off I go.


Lacey Rumley said...


You're amazing. Hope you know it.


Anonymous said...

hey girl! you can do it! keep up the good work!