Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Show yourselves

Cowards. No more anonymous commenting. State your name for the record. And quit playing word games on my blog page.

Ok, glad that's off my chest. And by the way, I really don't mean any of it. The random comments are amusing if incomprehensible. And Jori and Anonymous-Boy, you didn't finish the story. I'm on the edge of my virtual seat here. Ok, I'll post something meaningful later. Bye!


Anonymous said...

I chose not to reveal my identity because I am a pudgy, hairy-backed 56 year old man who originally found this site when i googled "hair follicle replacement" I then began commenting in the hopes that it would soon blossom into an e-relationship and then marriage.

Consider this my proposal
P.S. I have candy in my trunk.

Anonymous said...

so erin, i've posted anonymously before but that was just b/c i didn't really understand this whole "blogging" thing.

anonymous-boy: one word: psycho

here's my two guesses as to your identity...kyle or matt...the only two people i know who would post something so weird.

Anonymous said...

Emily, you know me well.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating - can't wait until the 30th. You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH...Ya'll wanna big 'ol explanation? I was too lazy to log in. GEEZ. I mean c'mon I saw it on another persons Xanga (Yes I knew them.) and thought it was funny. Jori, you are way more creative than me. Good ending. And it fits so well.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Love you. Miss you. Next time you have car trouble, do it on a day when I can come see you, daRn it. But I'll recover. Jori, by golly, I would comment on your blog but I am not yet one of the "blogger elite." Although I've heard nasty rumors that xanga is better. But for the sake of all you bloggers, I'll not go there. Sigh. I would make some attempt to talk to you all later, but I'm so busy that's probably not going to happen. So I won't make promises I can't keep. Talk to you all late...oops. never mind. goodbye.

Anonymous said...

I miss your blogs - what gives. You can't be THAT busy. But, then again, I guess you can. See you on the 22nd, love you lots.

MTFBWY (just seeing if I would fool you who this was)