Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Oh, it's not that I have nothing to do. When that happens, you won't find me bored. For the first few hours, anyways. No, I have things I could be doing. But I reallyreallyreally don't want to. So I decided to entertain whoever is scanning this here blog.

So the creepy-dude scenario is rather "to-be-continued". You see, I can't be outright mean to him. And, sadly, that is not because I am not capable of being mean to him. It is because recently a family member of his died and I would feel like the biggest cretin in the world if I hurt him. Well, maybe not the BIGGEST cretin. But close. So I endure his comments. Now he is convinced that I can't get over what he told me a week or two ago. At first he was like "I hope I didn't really creep you out on Tuesday". I was like "No, I wasn't" (lie through the tightly gritted teeth). Then the next day (these comments just pop out randomly as we are in class, he just leans forward and drops the bomb. I swear, that kid...anyways, the next day he says "I don't want anymore awkward silences between us." "Um, huh?" "Don't you remember? You like didn't say anything to me yesterday." That's the point, genius!!! Let it go!! But I just tried to forget about it. If you will recall, we sit right across form each other. So my current sitting position at all times is with feet tucked tightly and safely out of range under my chair (gets a little painful some days, but it's the price one pays to get rid of creepy guys) and my book in my lap. I was late for class because I went back to get my book because I didn't want to share with him.

Oh my gosh, I'm changing my habits for him. That means I'm letting him control me. Oh geez. The dilemmas I find myself in. Well, I guess I could just sprawl as much as I want under that table. In fact, I could use him for a footrest. Then he couldn't possibly accuse me of playing footsie with him. Or I could say whatever I want to him. I could shout insults across the table, actually. Good plan. OH, speaking of shouting insults, one of the excercises we had to do in class was make up clean insults in Spanish. We were placed into teams, and of course, I was with Creepy Guy. So the first thing he says is, "It's going to be fun to make insults about you." He's acting like a deeply wounded ex. But he wasn't even a current, or a pre, or even a thought!! So I just smiled. Hey, hit me again, that feels good. Ah, that hit the spot.

Ok, I'm off, physics lab soon. This weekend is gonna ROCK. Who cares that I will sleep about zero hours. Not necessary. I wanna hold my baby. Ok, peace out. Haha.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Worrying = Useless Gray Hairs

Boo yah!! (no idea how to spell that but I gave it a shot)

Take that, statics test! Uh-huh, I definitely did NOT fail. I was guessing around a 70 on that one, but surprise surprise, I got an 89! Seems to be the score of the week. Except for physics, of course, heh heh. You know what I discovered? All of those times when I was super frustrated because I was the only one not understanding and I felt so stupid, a lot of the people were just faking. They copied homework so they were never worried about that while I was scrambling to try and get it done on time and correctly. All of that extra work on my part is paying off when it comes around to test-time, however. I'm so excited! It's great to discover that you are not mentally handicapped, lol.

Going home this weekend for a wedding and an interview. Yeah, my interview is at the butt-crack of dawn on Saturday. It's at 6:30 AM. Haha, that's great. I hope he doesn't care that I am going to look inhuman at that hour. I better get this job, dang it.

May 19th, where are you??!! Jori, I am so super psyched it's crazy!!

Bow To Her!

Bow to the queen of filth, putrescence! Oops, I meant just bow to the queen. That's me. Yup, I am amazing! I just got 4 points back on my calc test! That's an 89, folks! Almost an A, and with my grade in that class right now, I think my average is definitely an A. Oh yeah, and since my other test was a 90, the average between the two tests is an 89.5. So if he rounds, there ya go. I have an A. Woot! I felt bad though cuz I was upset with my grade and the people next to me got a 77 (on the left) and a 38 (on the right). Poor guys. But the one deserved it. He does jack-squat in and out of class. Ok, enough, I gotta go shower in the SRC because our hot water is still broken. I am not repeating the ice-cold Sunday morning experience!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Finally Feeling Caught Up.

It feels good. The problem is now I will have a million people asking me for help. I like to be able to help them for a change, but I really don't want to spend time explaining it right now. I'm drained. Haha, and it's the weekend. That's grand.

So, feelings are all over the board right now. I have my car! That rocks. People things are going better here at Rose, so that's also good. However, Cassie is done in 12 days, and I have a month left. Woot.

I am almost done though. I'm so happy about that! My interview was moved to this weekend, so hopefully that will go well and I will be working at a warehouse this summer. It is good pay but hard work. I suppose I should get a second job, thanks to the severe lack of internships I managed to acquire. Yeah, that should be fun. I just love job-shopping.

I see my niece this weekend! She can sit up and everything! I can't wait. Plus I get to give Luke and Lacey their Italy gifts.

May 19th. It's gonna be the bomb. I'll write more later.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I'm Afraid I Do Not Reciprocate Those Feelings.

I was under pressure! Geez louise, I was trying not to gag, laugh, and cry all at once. It was the only thing I could come up with. Yes, the epitome of theCS major (and his intitials were CS, aahh!!) told me he liked me the other day. It was like elementary school all over again, except that never happened to me in elementary school because I was homeschooled and there were only brother and sisters around and that would have been gross.

The best part was that after I told him I didn't feel the same way, he said, "Well, I wasn't sure because you tried to play footsie with me the other day." WHAT??!! Hahahaha, he's crazy! We sit across from each other in Spanish class, so my foot must have hot his one day and that sick little mind must have conjured up a million disgusting little things that all came up to this conclusion: that girl is madly in love with me! Oh, I wanna hurl. So gross. Believe me, this is not your typical knight in shining armor.

I actually was afraid to go to sleep last night. I was sure there would be a late-night visitor. Uugh. I'm sure, or at least I hope, that he's not like that, but with Rose guys you can never be sure. I shiver with disgust. At least I know I can take the little punk if he ever tries anything. If not with my rapier wit and clever comebacks, then at least with a body-check and a mean right hook. I don't think the boy has worked out a day in his life.

Alright, I'm done ranting. Time to get homework done. Have a good one! Say no to the creepy guy!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

10% = :)


That's how I feel right now. I just took a shot of Nyquil (the off-brand kind, no idea what kinda ingredients they put in that stuff!), and my head is officially floating. And yes, I even ate before I took it. Man-oh-man, I should have no problem hitting the sack tonight.

So I thought if I refused to accept it, I wouldn't actually get all the way sick. I just gave in, and now I am trying desperately to avoid getting completely sick. The Nyquil should help. I can't afford to be sick. My concentration is blown enough with this GREAT weather we have been having. I heart summer! Bring it on!

Guess who has an interview on the 23rd?? That's right, ME!! No, it's not for an internship :( I gave that one a shot, but apparently it's not meant to be this summer. But I should have work, and if Betsey and Emily both work there as well, that would be splendid.

Oh, sleepy. I need to sleep off this high, I tell you. Lol, really, I'm glad I don't drink. One glass would knock me off my feet, I'm sure. Goodnight, all.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Oooohhhh man, WHY am I awake this early on a Saturday? I am WAY too used to waking up at the buttcrack of dawn. This is getting ridiculous. I seriously was worried that I would miss lunch (I usually do on Saturdays). So when I woke up, I hurried to look at the clock. I just knew I would be too late. But those lovely green digits were very clear when they screamed "6:52!!!!!!!!" at me. WHAT???!!! That doesn't even make sense. So I stayed in bed because I refuse to get up at that time on the weekend. But sadly, I actually got out of bed at 9:30 because I couldn't take it anymore. I was wide awake!

So here I am. Eyes open, head clear, and all that 9:50 on a SATURDAY. Come visit if you like, the door is always open. I'm off, maybe I'll go do something interesting for a while. And quiet, considering my roomie's still in bed. :( Sure, she picks THIS night to actually be in our room. Jk, I love her, but good grief, I'm too awake to be quiet. Music cranked or movie time, I wish. If you are awake and reading this, email or comment or call to give me ideas. I'm out!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Show yourselves

Cowards. No more anonymous commenting. State your name for the record. And quit playing word games on my blog page.

Ok, glad that's off my chest. And by the way, I really don't mean any of it. The random comments are amusing if incomprehensible. And Jori and Anonymous-Boy, you didn't finish the story. I'm on the edge of my virtual seat here. Ok, I'll post something meaningful later. Bye!

Because Mom told me too.

Blogging again. No, I can't write about all the stuff that happened in Italy. Why? Because I can't type that long. I will give a brief summary, but if you want to hear more, come visit me at Rose. I'll tell you face-to-face.

So, we played three matches. A total of fifteen games. A total of fifteen miserable losses. Yes, we were crushed. But it was fun! We learned so much and got to talk to the players after the games. They were so nice, and we actually had conversations despite the obvious language barrier.

Food was ok, SUPER amazing our last night. We went to a culinary school and they tried out their skills on us. Oh man, I'm gonna live in a culinary school. It was so good!!

I will have pictures as soon as possible, which may be a while because my car is presently out of comission. But Dad's coming down today to fix it! Woot! And I'm getting homemade cookies. No, I'm not more excited about that then Dad coming down, sheesh.

Sooo...I'm fresh out of ideas and I have about a billion things to do, so I'll sign off. Take care!