On Friday night, Tobin and I headed to Skopelo's, a nice restaurant right on the edge of the bay. I wore the dress he bought for me in Italy - it was the first time I'd had an occasion to wear it! You can see the pictures of us below. Doesn't he look good in his new clothes? Thanks, Em and Dan! I was glad to have your help picking those out.
The next two pictures are of the gifts Tobin got for me in Colorado. Aren't they ADORABLE?? I love tiny shoes.
And, last but not least, we spent Sunday evening carving our pumpkins. Tobin's way better at this than I am...sadly, our pumpkins are already dying and it's not even Halloween yet! Enjoy the pictures...isn't Tobin's pumpkin SWEET?!
Oh, and this weekend, Jesse and Melissa from Rose are coming to visit us, YAY! We're excited to have them for the holiday weekend.