The cars got baths today. It was supposed to rain, but it was beautiful all day. I ran a lot of errands, then washed the cars.

The bug got washed, too, but I didn't have pictures of that.
While I was at the post office today, there was a super long line. There was a guy waiting because something got messed up with his mailbox, and he was irate! He acted like a little kid, accusing some girl of cutting in line (which she didn't), ranting while he was in line, then verbally attacking the lady he finally got to speak to while she tried to settle him down. Some people are babies, I swear. I waited in line, too, and got my package sent, and I didn't cry even once! Sheesh.
This weekend, I am trying to fill every possible second with activity, so I am hoping that tomorrow it doesn't rain, cuz then that means I have to do housework to stay busy; and it kinda feels like I'm in jail when that happens. I mean, the showers need cleaning...but who wants to really do that? Instead, I want to go hiking tomorrow down at the beach. Hope it stays nice out! Did you know Michigan doesn't play this weekend? I may have to try to watch Ohio State get beat again, though. Sure was fun last weekend! :) Ha, I had to make sure T wasn't watching that one, because I didn't want him to be in a bad mood.
Next week, I don't go into work even once! I have training classes downtown M-Th, then I'm off Friday to drive back to Ohio for a wedding. That weekend, I'm with the Bolton side; the following weekend, some of the Rumleys (Mom and the kids) are coming to see me! :)
Tweny-five(ish) more days until my baby comes home!