Monday, November 28, 2005

Fluids and Thermals

Good news! Apparently, my fluids professor (Sanders) is in Japan currently. Haha, I don't know, did he forget he had a class to teach?? Anyways, Fine came in while we were waiting to start class and said, "Surprise! Your professor is in Japan right now. He asked me to inform you all and come pass out the syllabus and he would get you caught up when he got back. I guess that means he doesn't want me to teach you anything, although I wouldn't mind giving it a try. So don't come back on Wednesday, because nobody will be here. After you get your handouts, you can disperse." Or something like that. WOOHOO!!!! That put me in a good mood, even if it does mean we will have to play catch-up when Sanders gets back on Friday. We are technically only missing 2 classes and we still have lab tomorrow, so it's not that much of a break. Still, I'll take what I can get.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

After a Brief Hiatus...

I am back at Rose. Time for a new quarter! This one has no mistakes in it massive tests or homework assignments looming on the incompetent profs rambling my money's all fresh and new! I intend to take advantage of that. I want to be on the ball right away. I think I kinda sorta (knock on wood) have this college thing figured out. Scholastically, anyway.

I had a great time at home! Got to: enjoy a 12 hour LOTR marathon with good buddies; gorge on insane amounts of food; see each and every member of my immediate family and some of the extended; host an awful PCS party that will not be repeated; go shopping at 4:30 in the morning on the day after Thanksgiving...we got great doorbuster sales!; go to my church and have a GREAT college class (love Dick Bucher)!!! My break was amazing!

There, I have updated as per your requests.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Answer: An amazing family.

Question: What does Erin have?

Yay, I get to go home and see my amazing family in just a few more hours! One Esys final and then I am out the door! Soooo excited!

Recent development: the van doors will not unlock from the outside with my key. The only exterior lock that works is the tailgate; that's right, folks. I am now reduced to climbing into my car from the tailgate and crawling over the seats to get to the front. I feel like Rocketman. And if you don't know what I am talking about, you should definitely go see that movie. "If Iiiiii were kiiiiiing of the foreeeeeeest!" oh man, wipe a tear from my eye, good times.

The waiting is one of the hardest parts. I just want to take my test RIGHT NOW!!!!

It's gonna be great!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Last One!

Tomorrow at 1 pm I have my last final (Esys), and one of the two that really counts. Wahoo, right?

I will be home soooo soon, but I can't think about that right now. Gotta concentrate. Later y'all.

What Happened To My Font?

Grr. Oh well. Guess that post will have to stay like that cuz I can't fix it.

DE final today. Esys final tomorrow. And then I'm OUTTA here!!! Yay for a break, yikes, this quarter was somethin' else, lemme tell ya.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I Feel Like I Just Won a Grammy.

Or Emmy. Or Oscar. Whatever. Don't know the difference.

The point is, I feel like I should be giving this big "I'd like to thank all the people who helped me get this far..." speech. Cuz you see...


Yaaay! Seriously, thanks for everybody who said they were praying and for those of you who encouraged really paid off! Of course, I don't have the test back yet, but I am expecting the miraculous here...I felt really good after I turned it in. Break is SO close, thank goodness!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Alright, before I get off on another crazy studying kick, here is a HIlarious quote I discovered today on a friend's Facebook:

"Some people are like slinkies, not really useful for much but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."


Sunday, November 13, 2005

I Won...

An Applebee's gift certificate! For $10. Yay!

Now I am going to go study my patootie off. With a break here and there to eat. See y'all later!

Friday, November 11, 2005

"I Don't Want a Large Farva...

I want a gosh darn literacola!!"

"But I don't know what that is!"

I Won a Raffle, I Won a Raffle!

I never win these things! Yay! It was an LC raffle...honestly I don't even remember putting my name in the pot, but hey, I won something! I am going to go claim my prize...I'm on pins and needles! What did I win?

Then I shall:
1) pack the van with dirty laundry that is about sky-high right now
2) pack my study essentials...yikes, finals are closing in on me!
3) get the show on the road!!

Going Home!!!

In...3 and a half hours!

One more class for the quarter. Crazy! I am almost done.


Happy birthday, Grace!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I Got It Right, I Got It Right, I Got It Right Hey Hey Hey Hey!

Just a lil announcement...I GOT A CON APPS PROBLEM RIGHT...IN CLASS!!!! Usually when he passes out those example problems, I kinda stare blankly at the paper and hope the numbers will magically appear, but not today, folks!! He asked who had calculated a numerical result and I offered my answer (I actually GOT one) and it was RIGHT!!!

Ok, I'm excited. Gonna work on some more fun con apps problems before Esys and DE reviews tonight. Bye all!

Great Green Gobs of Greasy-Grimy Gopher Guts...Mutilated Monkey Meat...Little Birdies' Dirty Feet...Great Green Gobs of Greasy-Grimy Gopher Guts, and

I forgot my spoon!!!! The title wouldn't let me finish the song. Apparently it can only be so long.

Lord, give me the will to work until I can't go on any longer...then lend me your strength so I can continue past the breaking point.

These few days are going to be jam-packed with studying. In fact, I should be studying right now. But my little head can only take so much; hence the prayer. Two review sessions tonight (DE and Esys), which will be all the non-con-apps studying I will be doing before the con apps final, I believe. Then I will write a paper for Lit of War in between spurts of con-apps.

I am going home tomorrow! I will be back Sunday morning, but Friday night and all day Saturday are going to be WONDERFUL; I will see tons of family and get to celebrate my niece's first birthday. She is such a cutie! I can't wait to see how much she has grown and how much she has learned.

Alright, I have time to fit in 20 minutes of con apps before class, so I am going to go be productive. See you fine folks ohsosoon!!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Good Tidings We Bring

Love Christmas songs.

Keep up the studying suggestions, by the way. Anything at all would help me out a great deal.

So...story time. We had a recruit down at Rose for volleyball and Jess and I entertained her last night. Jess passed out Capri Sun's to us and we sat and talked while we drank them. Jess kept insisting her's tasted funny; she has them all the time, and she said her's was weird...but Brittany's and mine tasted fine and we finished ours really fast, so we told Jess she was crazy.

She let hers sit their forever, and finally I told her to let me try it. Ok, folks, I could get like two drops out of it. That's it. I sucked at it as hard as I could, and I couldn't get it to some out. Jess said to blow in it and I tried, but that didn't even work. So Jess took it back (it hadn't done this for her) and pulled the straw out and started screaming.

Brittany and I hadn't seen anything, but Jess was hysterical, saying there was something in there and asking if we had seen it. She kept saying, "I told you it tasted funny!" We took it to the sink and cut it open. Jess couldn't look, she said she was going to be sick, so I poured it out in the sink.

Yup, it was nasty. It turned my stomach. Brittany thought it was gum, but she wasn't poking at it like I was. I swear it looked like a bug larva, still wrapped up in it's little skin thing. Uughh!! It also could have been a type of mold, but I really don't think it was. We were grossed out by that for sure. Yuck!! And I was trying so hard to suck it up through that little straw...imagine if I had succeeded!

On a happier note, tonight Jess and I went to my literature of war film festival (4 obscure war movies showing at the same time). We chose Battleground, an old black and white film about World War II; and we watched it with a WWII veteran!! It was so cool! Not only was it a good movie, but we got to hear first-hand experiences from the old man throughout the movie. I would recommend watching that movie if you get the chance. It was very well done and was also hilarious at the same time that it was poignant and sad.

I have a meeting with my con apps professor and a lab tomorrow, as well as lots of homework, LC work, and a con apps review session. So I'm out.


If only your friends could see this "famous person" failing con apps. Stupid class.

I have to do super good on the final in that class. Have to. Or I won't pass. So I'm aiming for a 100. That way...ya know, "aim small, miss small" and all that jazz. I potentially have to get an 80 in order to pass the class...and so far I've not been able to reach that score on any of my other tests. Whoopee.

But failing is not an option. So. I will pass. No matter what.

I am trying to think of a way to best utilize the 3 hours of driving I will be doing this Friday and again on Saturday or Sunday. You see, that is a lot of hours in which to study con apps. I wonder if there is a way to record something onto a CD or tape and play it for those hours. Get it ingrained in my head.

I think working through problems by hand is probably a bad idea on the road. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. That's a waste of a good 6 hours of study time!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

To-Do List

- winter IM captain's meeting at 8 pm
- con apps homework from 9-?
- maybe some DE from ?-?
- bed by 12
- tomorrow, classes and work from 8 am-12:40 pm
- lunch from 12:40-1
- getting packed and taking stuff down to the SRC from 1-2:30

Wahoo! The final weekend of the season...I am relieved right now; maybe later I will be sad. I know I will miss it in a week or two, but I welcome the break for now.

Hope everyone is having a splendid day!


We'll be bus'ing it down to Tennessee on Thursday for the final tournament of the season; the cross-divisional. As I have said before, I will not be coming back without a win. I mean it. No wins, no Erin.

And the world rejoiced..."yaaaaay". Haha, good movie.

My KT is sick. :( She is getting better slowly, but she has a cough that isn't going away very fast.

Think I am going shopping Kroger's and Kmart, but shopping nonetheless. ;)

I love Wednesdays. i get to be a little lazy. But I gotta get ahead in con apps cuz we're leaving early this week. So I'll sign off. (going home in a week and a half...and then in another week!!)